Would that the Lord might bestow his spirit on them all!” This is the response Moses gave to Joshua, according to today’s first reading from the Book of Numbers. Joshua had reported to Moses that two of the men had begun to prophesy in the camp – an act which Joshua interpreted as challenging the singular authority of Moses. Moses wasn’t jealous about the gift which God had given to him. He had begun to experience the great burden which God had placed on him as the sole leader and prophet for the twelve tribes of Israel. He was happy to share the burden with others! It was necessary that others be appointed to positions of authority and responsibility – and they were given the Spirit of the Lord to enable them to do it. This is still true in the Church today. Although some are called (and ordained) to exercise a particular authority in the Church, all Christians need the grace of the Holy Spirit to strengthen them to fulfill their Christian responsibility. We certainly receive that Spirit and grace in the Sacraments. For example, a man and woman receive grace when they receive the Sacrament of Marriage – grace which helps them be faithful to each other, and to be good parents to their children. We can receive the spirit of the Lord when we pray, or go on a retreat, or do some spiritual reading. In any case, the grace which the Lord gives us is intended for our own spiritual good, AND the spiritual good of others. The kick-off the 2024-25 Diocesan Annual Appeal will be October 13 (SVdP) and October 20 (SSPP). Please pray for a successful appeal in our parishes and the whole diocese. “For we are co-workers; you are God’s field, God’s building” (1 Cor. 3:9)
May God Bless You!
Fr. Schaller