Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. These words of John the Baptist (which he quotes from the prophet Isaiah) taken from today’s Gospel (of Luke), were a call to the people to ready themselves for the coming of the Messiah. They are a call to us as well. Saint Paul (in today’s second reading) adds his words of encouragement, too. This is my prayer: that your love may increase... so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.... The Lord Himself has given us the means by which we prepare ourselves for His coming, and through which we are made pure and blameless. The Sacrament of Penance, by which we are reconciled to the Father, is that gift from the Lord to assist us in growing closer to Him. This Holy Season of Advent is a good time to make use of that Sacrament. For opportunities for the Sacrament of Penance see the confession schedule printed in this bulletin, and in the Advent Calendar sent to each household. At the end of the calendar year it is common for many families to make a reckoning of their finances. I do the same thing personally, and in regard to our parish’s finances (even though we operate on a fiscal year which ends June 30). I wish to express my gratitude for all our parishioners who have generously supported SVdP and SSPP this year. I also want to remind you about supporting the Diocesan Annual Appeal. I’ve already made my pledge, and hope many more of our parishioners will do so before the end of this calendar year. The DAA provides substantial support for Catholic Charities, the education of our seminarians, and many other charitable works in and outside of the Diocese of La Crosse. Thanks you for your generosity! On a related note: if you wish to claim a financial gift to our parish on your taxes for 2024, we must receive it at the parish office by December 31, 2024. By law, donations received after December 31 must be recorded for 2025. May God bless you! Fr. Schaller