When I enlisted in the Marine Corps (over 49 years ago!) it was enlightening to meet men from all around the United States. I had never ventured far from home in my first 18 years, so I found it intriguing to see how other people thought and acted. And the different accents were entertaining, too. Texans, in particular, had a distinctive quality. Everything in Texas was bigger, better, taller, faster. Superlatives made up 50% of their vocabulary. These same qualities seem to characterize all Americans in general. We like being first, the best – and always getting better. It is sobering to realize, then, the humble origins of the Messiah. He came, not from the capital of an empire, but from a town “too small to be among the clans of Judah”, in a land that was occupied by a foreign power. Even while we thank God for the blessings which come from living in a land of great power and wealth, we need to remember that our Lord and Savior – the very Son of God and King of Kings – was born into the humblest circumstances. As you make your final preparations on these last days of Advent, reflect upon that mystery. As we draw near the end of the calendar year, please remember that if you wish to claim a financial gift to our parish on your taxes for 2024, we must receive it at the parish by December 31, 2024. By law, donations received after December 31 must be recorded for 2025.
Be assured that, with Deacons Jerry Ruesch & Tony Biolo and all the staff, I (and Fr. Williams!) will be praying for all the people of St. Vincent de Paul and Saints Peter & Paul during this Holy Season. May God grant you a Blessed Christmas and a Holy New Year! May God bless you! Fr. Schaller