The Church has traditionally called the Third Sunday of Advent Gaudete Sunday, or Joyful Sunday, because of the reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians – the second reading from today’s Mass (and the Entrance Antiphon). “Rejoice! The Lord is near!” These words of St. Paul also express our anticipation as we draw nearer to the celebration of the Lord’s birth. The reading from the Gospel again focuses on John the Baptist as the precursor to the Lord; that is, he is the one who guides us in our preparation for the Lord’s coming. Are you and your family preparing to celebrate the Lord’s birth at Christmas? We’re on the “home stretch” now, so let’s make good use of these last days of the Holy Season of Advent! I will be mailing out my Christmas letter to all our parishioners early this week. Please note carefully the scheduled times for the Christmas Masses. The mission of the Pastor is the spiritual care of his parishioners. Our material assets are meant to serve that spiritual end. Your regular gift through the offering envelope is the most important means of supporting your parish. Your generous gift to the Diocesan Annual Appeal supports the wider Church, and also benefits our parish, since every dollar over our target is returned to our parish. As we draw near the end of the calendar year, please remember that if you wish to claim a financial gift to our parish on your taxes for 2024, we must receive it at the parish by December 31, 2024. By law, donations received after December 31 must be recorded for 2025. May God bless you! Fr. Schaller